Write Your Prayer Request Here

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I met Mary Southerland several years ago at a Women’s Event in Mississippi, and we connected immediately. She asked me to be the Prayer Director for her ministry. Neither one of us knew what this would involve at the time, but we knew that God was speaking to us.

We began with a monthly prayer letter, and over the past few years it has evolved into what we call The Prayer Warrior Team. We are a group of women who are called to intercessory prayer. Our part in the ministry is to pray daily for Mary and her family, her ministry, and for countless hurting women all over the world. It is the mission of our Team to “approach the throne of God’s grace with the confidence of children to find mercy and receive help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

We believe that the verse in James 5 promises us “the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.” God honors the prayers of His people for those in need. God may not always answer prayers in the way we wish, but God hears and He always answers with His presence and His guidance through anything we must face.

If you are in need of prayer, please send Mary a message! With your permission, she will forward it to the team and we will all be praying for you.

Ginger Meador