Helping Women Find Joy on the Journey.
Trusting God is key to finding joy on your journey with Christ. Subscribe to receive my devotions (and sometimes a personal blog) and as a DOUBLE BONUS you’ll receive my “5 Day Trust Adventure” study straight to your inbox AND a free E-Book download of “You Make Me So Angry.”
Go on your personal adventure with Jesus at your own pace. Trust His timing. It is always perfect!
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Life is So Daily
60 devotions that will help ground you in the
Word of God.
Volume 2!
Life is So Daily – Volume 2
60 MORE devotions that will help ground you in the
Word of God.
Life really is so daily, isn’t it? It often seems easier to handle the major crisis in life – because there is generally not much I can do about those. But it is the daily bumps in the road that sometime throw me for a loop. And here is the deal! I always want to know what the plan is. I need details. Not knowing those details forms a pocket of fear and anxiety in my heart. And then I remember … what lies ahead is no surprise to God. He has already been where I am going and made a way. He is preparing me for that place and that place for me.
So I really have nothing to fear! God’s got me!
And the message I hope you get from these devotions is that God’s got you, too! Plug these truths into your life and watch your God bring down every mountain and slay every giant.
Books, Bible Studies, and More!
Head over to Mary’s store to browse through her books and studies you can read alone or with your small group!
Welcome to my website!
As you browse through the links, I pray God uses the words written here to encourage you and help you find joy in your life journey.
I am a woman just like you – with all of the same human frailties. My weaknesses and broken places are many. I am learning to embrace and even celebrate each one as an opportunity for God to show up and show off in my life.
I certainly don’t have all of the answers. In fact, I don’t even know all of the questions. But one thing I do know is that God is who He says He is, and He will do what He promises to do in His Word. He is able and willing and waiting to meet you at the point of your greatest need. And when He comes … everything changes.
He heals the broken places.
He strengthens the weaknesses.
He restores our soul and beckons us to stop, rest and just be held.
Your heart may be broken and your spirit crushed. God will heal and restore you if you come to Him. Come just as you are and abandon yourself to Him. When you are willing to take one tiny step of faith, He will meet you there, joy in His hands. You really can trust Him. He is your Shepherd and Friend of your wounded heart.
Mary Southerland

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Meet Mary
Women identify with Mary, because she has not only survived the road of clinical depression, infertility, adoption, full-time ministry, sexual abuse, childhood trauma, and the daily stress of life, but has learned to thrive and find joy in the midst of life’s greatest storms.
Download the “5 Day Trust Adventure” for FREE
The 5 Day Trust Adventure is meant to prime the pump – to help you get started on your journey of faith and begin cultivating a willingness to trust Him as never before. This study will help prepare your heart to receive God’s truth and plug it into your daily life
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